Almar Group is founded by Mr. Uzzeni's father in Soriso, North-East of Italy

Mr. Uzzeni takes over the family Company Almar, focusing on safety shoes

New evolution phase for ALmar commences with the registration of Aimont

Almar is acquired by CVC Capital and Mr. Uzzeni is retained as CEO. Almar is merged with European competitors Jallatte to create JAL Group

Mr. Uzzeni, after leaving JAL Group, founds U-Invest, featuring his new brand U-Power, acting in thye safety shoes business

U-Power acquires selected assets from JAL Group, including the brands Jallatte, and Aimont, as JAL encountered financial difficulties

U-Power introduces the revolutionary line RED LION

Capital markets are tapped with the first mini-bond issuance

U-Power established itself as the leading European safety footwear brand

Diletta Leotta becomes the ambassador of the Company in a successful marketing campaign

The new U-Power Group Spa is born