The enhancement of skills, professional experience, technical know-how are just some of the key aspects of the company. It is in fact thanks to the commitment and passion demonstrated over the years by the people that belong to the Group, that U-Power Group can be defined today as one of the leaders in the safety footwear market.
This is the reason why the Group invests much energy in selecting the best talents, in their professional growth and in promoting well-being.
U-Power is constantly committed to guaranteeing a healthy, safe, meritocratic, collaborative and inclusive work environment, where diversity is valued and where each person can fully express their abilities, potential and talent.
On 31st December 2020, U-Power Group boasted 4,349 employees and about 150 collaborators.
Despite the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic that characterized last year, the U-Power team has grown, and at the end of the year the workforce increased by 50 people compared to 2019.
Under the spur of growth and geographical expansion, the human resources recruitment process is moving towards increasingly international and heterogeneous profiles, in terms of origin and training, as well as on skills and experiences suitable for the future challenges of the Group.
U-Power Group is aware of the strategic value that U-Power people hold in the Group's growth and improvement process and is also committed to increasing the training hours for its employees and collaborators in the coming years for a total of 9,000 hours of training in the 2021-2023 three-year period.
On the back of this belief, it strives to attract and identify talented people, who stand out not only for high technical-professional and managerial competence, but also for personal qualities, energy, flexibility, coherence with the Group's values and, last but not least, a positive and fruitful relationship and collaboration style, combined with the ability to adapt to a constantly evolving context.
For U-Power, the human resources recruitment process is of great importance.
The Group believes that the creation of long-term value is strictly related to the human capital, and on the back of this belief, it strives to attract and identify talented people, who stand out not only for high technical-professional and managerial competence, but also for personal qualities, energy, flexibility, coherence with the Group's values and, last but not least, a positive and fruitful relationship and collaboration style, combined with the ability to adapt to a constantly evolving context.
The Group operates in an international and multicultural context and considers diversity a capital to be enhanced and, at the same time, a prime source of competitive advantage.
The collaboration with people from different backgrounds, experiences and socio-cultural heritage, allows the Group to better take on the challenges of an increasingly global and borderless market.
U-Power Group does not tolerate any form of discrimination based on ethnic origin, skin colour, gender, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, age, political opinion, trade union affiliation, marital status, physical or mental disability and any other personal condition or characteristic.
U-Power considers the promotion of health and safety an overriding principle that characterizes its way of working.
For this reason, health and safety issues are managed as an integral part of the business, in order to protect employees, customers, contractors and anyone who falls within the Group's sphere of influence.
U-Power Group operates in full compliance with the requirements defined by the specific regulations applicable in the countries where it is present, with an approach aimed at continuous improvement.
The Group is constantly engaged in activities aimed at promoting prevention and guaranteeing the safety of all employees in the workplace.
The spread of a culture of safety and individual responsibility, and the creation of risk awareness, are in fact key factors in continuing to offer a safe working environment.
U-Power Group recognizes and respects the right of workers to be represented by trade unions and maintains with these representatives relations based on mutual recognition, dialogue and cooperation.
Relations and negotiations with trade unions are managed according to the highest principles of transparency and fairness and in strict compliance with the laws in force.
U-Power's industrial relations policy is based on constructive dialogue, which aims at involving workers' representatives and maintaining a good company climate, recognizing that a solid balance and strong collaborations can only be achieved through continuous discussion and constructive dialogue